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  3. Crizal lenses and information guide


    For over 25 years, Crizal No-Glare lenses have been providing the clearest vision possible to millions of patients worldwide. Crizal No-Glare lenses offer the best combination of clarity, durability, cleanability, and optimal UV protection so that patients can see, look, and feel better.

    Crizal No-Glare lenses are supplied from the manufacturing laboratory with a Crizal No-Glare lenses Certificate of Authenticity (COA) card. To ensure your receipt of genuine Crizal No-Glare lenses, the COA card includes product registration information and a Crizal No-Glare lenses cleaning cloth. If you do not receive these items with your Crizal No-Glare lenses, please consult your eyecare professional.

    The Crizal No-Glare lenses family of coatings includes: Crizal Sapphire® 360° UV lenses, Crizal® Prevencia® lenses, Crizal Avancé UV™ lenses, Crizal Alizé UV™ lenses, and Crizal Easy UV™ lenses. We also have two Crizal® for Kids products: Crizal Kids UV™ lenses and Crizal® Prevencia® Kids lenses. Your eyecare professional can explain the different benefits of each Crizal No-Glare lens and provide a recommendation based on your needs. Learn more.

    Crizal No-Glare lens treatment is very thin—thinner than a strand of hair! The actual thickness and weight of your glasses is a function of the lens material chosen, your frames, and your prescription.


    Yes, Crizal No-Glare lenses offer our most comprehensive daily protection against the invisible and often irreversible dangers of UV reflection.

    UV is a form of light/radiation that is not visible to the human eye. Sunlight is the primary source of ultraviolet radiation. UV light comes from all directions, reflecting off surrounding surfaces and creating dangerous exposure.

    UV damage is cumulative and often irreversible. Long-term exposure to UV radiation can increase the risk of certain eye conditions and diseases, such as UV-related cataracts, growths on the eye, and even certain skin cancers on the eyelids or around the eye area.

    Premature signs of aging, skin cancer, eye disease, wrinkles, and dark circles.

    Over 40% of annual UV exposure is received during conditions when people are not in full sunlight and are less likely to wear eye protection. Complete UV protection on your everyday clear lenses can help protect the long-term health of your eyes.

    UV light comes from all directions, reflecting off surrounding surfaces and creating dangerous exposure. The back surface of everyday clear glasses has been found to reflect light coming from the back and sides of the lens, increasing UV light exposure to the eyes. Most sunglasses and clear lenses with higher-quality materials block UV light from transmitting through the front of the lens, but they do not address the UV light reflecting off the back side of the lens. Crizal No-Glare lenses provide protection against backside UV reflection. Ask your eyecare professional about the benefits of Crizal No-Glare lenses.


    Crizal No-Glare treatment is compatible with most lenses. It is always advisable to apply Crizal No-Glare treatment to both single vision and progressive addition lenses. Please talk to your ECP to find out which Crizal No-Glare lens is right for you.

    Yes, Crizal No-Glare treatment is compatible with most lenses and always compatible with Varilux lenses. Learn more here.


    1.  Rinse under warm running water to remove any sandy/gritty debris.

    2.  Clean with a mild liquid dishwashing soap to remove facial oils.

    3.  Rinse with water.

    4.  Dry with a soft cotton cloth.

    5.  Polish your lenses with the microfiber Crizal lenses cleaning cloth provided to you.

      You can also use the Crizal lenses cloth for touch-up cleaning throughout the day when it is not convenient to wash your lenses. While the hydrophobic properties of Crizal No-Glare lenses facilitate the removal of smudges, dust, dirt, and fingerprints more easily, the smudges and fingerprints may appear more visible on Crizal No-Glare lenses than on an uncoated lens. Watch a video on how to clean your Crizal lenses.

    Occasional use of alcohol on Crizal No-Glare lenses will not be harmful. However, we do not recommend continuous, daily use.

    If you are not able to remove hair spray or paint using the cleaning recommendations found above, we suggest taking your lenses to your eyecare professional for assistance.

    Yes. Commercially prepared anti-reflective lens cleaners are safe to use with Crizal No-Glare lenses.

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