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Feedback Abuse

We ask that JoyLot members use caution and good judgment when leaving feedback. JoyLot is not legally responsible for the remarks that users post on its site and feedback will only be considered for removal if the comment meets the guidelines set in our Feedback Removal policy. Although each individual is ultimately responsible for the feedback he or she leaves, in the interest of our community, JoyLot has some basic rules regarding feedback.

These following practices are not permitted under the Feedback Abuse policy.

  • Use of inappropriate language - Use of profanity, patently vulgar language, or language that is racist, hateful, sexual or obscene. Although it is discouraged, this does not include inflammatory language such as liar or thief.
  • References to a JoyLot or law enforcement investigation - For example, this person is being investigated by JoyLot.
  • Publishing contact information - In the interest of the privacy of our members, users may not publish contact information within a feedback comment.
  • Links - Feedback comments must only be in plain text and cannot include pictures, JavaScript or links of any kind.
  • Intentionally disrupting a listing - Feedback left by a member who bid on or purchased an item solely to have the opportunity to leave negative feedback for the seller, with no intention of completing the transaction.
  • Follow up - Respond to comments left by other users to make additional remarks.

To report Feedback Abuse and request that a comment be reviewed for removal, please contact us.

Once we will receive your dispute, we will consider the circumstances of the alleged offense. Disciplinary action may result in a formal warning, a temporary suspension, or an indefinite suspension. If a complaint cannot be proven with certainty, it is possible that no action will be taken. Due to privacy issues, JoyLot will be unable to discuss the result of the investigation.

Please note that evidence of Feedback Abuse does not guarantee removal of the feedback comment. Although JoyLot will review the comment for removal at your request, feedback will only be considered for removal if it falls within the guidelines of our feedback policy.

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