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Joy of the day

JoyLot is featuring everyday a product from selected Joy Lot sellers that we believe would be an interesting item to our community at a deep discount.

What type of sale is the Joy of the day?

Joy of the day is a buy it price listing only. As long as the featured item is not sold out you may buy it right away.

What if the item is sold out can I get more?

No! There's a limited supply of every Joy of the day item. Once it's gone it's gone. We do not guarantee that this item will be featured again. However we believe you can find it from another seller on JoyLot.

Is there a limit to the quantity I can buy?

No limit. Buy as many units as you like.

What are my payment options?

Payment options are set by the seller and all buyers are required to read their payment options prior to buying.

What are my shipping options?

As to all JoyLot sellers each seller sets his shipping options. We suggest checking the shipping and details for the destinations and shipping rate the seller is charging.

Are Joy of the day purchases returnable?

Each product offered on JoyLot are up to the seller to accept returns or exchanges. Please read the sellers return policy prior to buying.

Are Joy of the day products guaranteed by JoyLot?

JoyLot screens each item and sellers reputation prior to displaying their item. However product warranty are described by the seller.

I missed an item, can I still get one?

No! Once we display another item we cannot find that item. If you know the seller we suggest searching his/her store.

Can I find out what the next Joy of the day will be?

No! We do not disclose that information.

Can my product be featured on the Joy of the day and what are my requirements?

Yes if you have an item you believe is at a deep discount and you have quantity available for immediate shipping. Your item may be eligible for the Joy of the day. Please contact us and select the Joy of the day department.



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