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Contacting the seller

The quickest way to ask a seller a question about their listing is to click on the words (ask seller a question) displayed on the top portion of every listing.

If you have tried the options above and are still unable to get a response from your Seller, you can request additional contact information directly from JoyLot. First, click on the “Advanced Search” link under the “Search” button in the JoyLot header. Next, scroll down to retrieve Buyer-Seller Contact Information.

Note: In order to obtain contact information from another member you have to have a transaction in common.

Your Contact Information

Make sure JoyLot always has your current contact information, such as email address, phone number, and mailing address so that your sellers can contact you after you win an item.

If your correct information isn’t on file, keep in mind that the seller might be trying to contact you using the inaccurate contact information.

Update your contact information now.

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